Beet Sauce Made In Canada is part of a directory of Canadian businesses that produce products here. If you know of any others please forward the information so I can add them to the site.

Beet Sauce Made In Canada

Ontario made, Ontario made products, made in Ontario, products made in Ontario, manufactured in Ontario, Ontario manufactured, products manufactured in OntarioLa Dee Da Gourmet Sauces

Milton, ON

beet sauce canada, canada beet sauce, beet sauce made in canada, canadian made beet sauce, canadian beet sauce, beet sauce

Hi Everyone! We’re Mary, Jo Anne and Marlow — the owners of La Dee Da Gourmet Sauces. Our company is proudly based in Ontario and we create delicious, plant based, vegan, dairy and gluten-free gourmet sauces for healthy consumers like you to enjoy! We are a Hamilton, ON company, owned by three fun-loving and hardworking women, Jo Anne Torrance, Mary Marino and Marlow Italiano – All Proud Co-owners. Part of the Beet Sauce Made In Canada directory.


  • Butternut Squash Beet Sauce
  • Twelve Veggie Tomato Sauce
  • Savoury Mushroom Basil Sauce
  • Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce (Keto / Vegan)
  • Gift Boxes

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Manitoba made, Manitoba made products, made in Manitoba, products made in Manitoba, manufactured in Manitoba, Manitoba manufactured, products manufactured in ManitobaDr]Beetroot Canada

Leon, MB

beet sauce canada, canada beet sauce, beet sauce made in canada, canadian made beet sauce, canadian beet sauce, beet sauce

Last four years, Dr Beetroot has developed 9 beet products using the industrial kitchen owned by Knox United Church, Winnipeg. These products were test-marketed in all leading farmers markets, festivals, trade shows, and wellness expos in MB, ON, AB, and SK. Currently three products, the Beet Ketchup, Beet Sauce, and Beet Juice Drink have been commercialized. Part of the beet sauce made in Canada directory.


  • Beet Borscht
  • Beet Bread
  • Beet Chips
  • Beet Juice Drink
  • Beet Ketchup
  • Beet Sauce
  • Beet Spread
  • Beetroot Powder
  • Gift Packs

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