Quality materials make a quality product. Our Duray team takes care of every aspect of manufacturing, right from selecting first-rate textiles in an unprocessed state. Natural fibres (sheep’s wool, lambs wool, cotton) and synthetics (nylon, spandex, polyester, etc.) arrive at our warehouse to be sorted, amalgamated for our blends, and carded.

This process results in solid, strong yarn, perfectly suited to our knitting machines. It’s a point of pride that our socks are produced entirely in Canada, in our two factories in Princeville, Québec. Our unionized employees are involved in every aspect of production, from carding raw wool to inspecting the final product by hand. They are committed to quality work, and are the heart of the company’s continued success.

Owned In: Quebec

Made In Princeville, QC:

  • Work Socks
  • Outdoor Socks
  • Universal Socks

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