Most of the honey you find at big grocery stores are mixed with Chinese and South American honey. Chinese honey suffers from over-usage of antibiotics. They are also known to mix syrup to their honey. It is being laundered into the world market even though many countries ban or discourage imports of Chinese honey. Even if the label does not specify, “Chinese honey”, chances are it is mixed in, to some degree. All popular brands of honey started to mix various sources to meet demand and lower cost. Oneroot Honey is bottled from only the purest of sources in the vast Canadian wilderness. Our strict quality control guarantees that your jar of honey is as straight from the beehive as it can get.

Oneroot Honey
Owned In: Ontario

Made In Concord, ON:

  • Honey
  • Maple Syrup
  • Honey Face Mask
  • Lip Balm
  • Hemp
  • Beeswax Candles
  • Gift Sets
  • Bulk Honey

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